Delaware EARNS Act Awaits Governor's Nod

BY John Iekel
June 28, 2022 - Association of Plan Advisors

All it will take for Delaware to become the next state to offer a retirement plan that would provide coverage for employees whose employers do not offer one is the stroke of one pen.

The bill, approved by both chambers of the state legislature, now awaits the assent of Gov. John Carney (D).

The Delaware House of Representatives passed HB 205, the measure that would create the Delaware Expanding Access for Retirement and Necessary Savings (EARNS) program, on May 17 in a 35-1 vote. The Senate followed suit on June 21 in a 20-1 vote.

Bill sponsors and proponents cite the National Compensation and Benefits Survey, which reports that 54% of Delaware employers do not offer retirement plans; further, they seek to help employees in populations that historically have not had as high a savings rate and as much economic security as others. They also seek to enhance Delaware’s ability to compete with neighboring states economically.

EARNS is intended to be a public-private partnership that will encourage|ut not replace or compete with‘mployer-sponsored retirement plans.

EARNS and Employers

EARNS would apply to any person, partnership, limited liability company, corporation or other entity that does business in Delaware, including a nonprofit, that:

Covered employers would be required to:

The measure would create the Delaware EARNS Program Board to oversee initial design and implementation of the program. The Board would have seven members:

The Board would be disbanded no later than Dec. 31, 2025, when the Plans Management Board would assume all of its duties and functions.